Doug Jackson Net Worth
February 27, 2023


Donald G. Jackson was a maverick Hollywood filmmaker who made numerous films throughout his lifetime. His films were mostly low-budget, but he gained a cult following due to their unique style and storytelling. However, his net worth has always been a topic of discussion among movie enthusiasts. In this post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to Donald G. Jackson’s net worth, discussing how much he really made and the factors that contributed to his wealth.

Section 1: Who was Donald G. Jackson?

Donald G. Jackson was an American filmmaker who mainly worked in the action and science fiction genres. He was born in 1943 in Ohio and attended Ohio University. In 1972, he founded his production company, Great American Films Limited Partnership, and started making movies. Some of his notable works include Hell Comes to Frogtown, Roller Blade Warriors, and The Demon Lover.

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Section 2: How much did Donald G. Jackson make from his films?

Donald G. Jackson made most of his money from the revenue generated by his films. According to sources, his films grossed around $40 million in total, which is impressive considering their low-budget nature. However, it is difficult to determine the exact amount that Jackson himself made, as he mostly self-financed his films and didn’t usually partner with major studios or distributors.

Section 3: Did Jackson own any property or assets?

There is not much information available about Jackson’s property or assets. It is known that he owned a house in Michigan, which was sold after his death in 2003. Jackson also owned his production company, which was valued at around $1 million at the time of his death.

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Section 4: How were Donald G. Jackson’s films received by critics?

Donald G. Jackson’s films received mixed reviews from critics. While some praised them for their creativity and unique style, others criticized them for their low-budget production values and lack of depth in storytelling. Some of his works gained a cult following and have since become iconic representations of the B-movie genre.

Section 5: Did Donald G. Jackson receive any awards or recognition?

Donald G. Jackson did not receive any major awards or recognition for his films. However, his works have since gained a following and is now regarded as a pioneer of the B-movie filmmaking genre.

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Section 6: What factors contributed to Donald G. Jackson’s net worth?

Donald G. Jackson’s net worth was mainly attributed to the success of his films. Even though they were low-budget productions, they generated a significant amount of revenue. Additionally, Jackson’s company also held value, which contributed to his net worth.

Section 7: How did Donald G. Jackson’s death affect his net worth?

Donald G. Jackson passed away in 2003 due to leukemia. His death did not significantly affect his net worth, as his company continued to hold value and his films continued to generate revenue. However, the value of his estate was distributed to his family and colleagues.

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Q1: How many films did Donald G. Jackson make?
A1: Donald G. Jackson made over 30 films in his career.

Q2: How much did Donald G. Jackson’s films gross in total?
A2: Donald G. Jackson’s films grossed around $40 million in total.

Q3: Did Donald G. Jackson receive any major awards?
A3: No, Donald G. Jackson did not receive any major awards for his films.

Q4: What was the genre of most of Donald G. Jackson’s films?
A4: Donald G. Jackson mainly worked in the action and science fiction genres.

Q5: Did Donald G. Jackson partner with major studios or distributors?
A5: No, Donald G. Jackson mostly self-financed his films and did not partner with major studios or distributors.

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Q6: Did Donald G. Jackson own any property or assets?
A6: Donald G. Jackson owned a house in Michigan and his production company, which was valued at around $1 million.

Q7: Did Donald G. Jackson’s death affect his net worth significantly?
A7: No, Donald G. Jackson’s death did not significantly affect his net worth as his films continued to generate revenue and his company held value.


Donald G. Jackson was a maverick filmmaker who made several films throughout his lifetime. His net worth was mainly attributed to the success of his films, which generated a significant amount of revenue. While there is no exact figure on how much he made, it is estimated that his films grossed around $40 million in total. Additionally, his company also held value, which contributed to his net worth. Overall, Donald G. Jackson’s legacy lives on through his films and his contribution to the B-movie filmmaking genre.

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